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Plans as low as $4.99 per profile per month*.
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*Per profile in a yearly Family Plan subscription.
1 Profile
Auto-renews every month. Charged $9.99 each renewal. Cancel anytime.
$7.50 / profile
2 Profiles
Auto-renews every month. Charged $14.99 each renewal. Cancel anytime.
Best value
Family *
$5.00 / profile
Add a profile for + $3 per month.
4 Profiles
Auto-renews every month. Charged $19.99 each renewal. Cancel anytime.
Listen and watch your favorite content-any where, any time, on any device.
Who is considered part of my family?
Thank you for asking. 24Six offers a family plan to help ease the financial burden on families and to make it easier for families to access Jewish content in the most kosher way possible. A family is simply defined as:
Single family members who live together in one household.
That means parents can share an account with their single, unmarried children, who live at home. Of course, if the child is away in camp or yeshiva, they are part of that family. A family plan does not include married children/siblings, it does not include grandparents and grandchildren, it does not include sharing a Dira, dorm, seminary, or apartment, it does not include a few friends getting together to share a plan.
Why not? Why can’t a bunch of guys in a Dira get together and share an account? We are like family? Why can’t my married children be a part of my family plan?
The answer is complicated and nuanced, but this is the truth: 24Six licenses music from artists with the express purpose to generate revenue for those artists. A frum artist spending tens of thousands of dollars to create music for your enjoyment does it as a parnassah, and licenses to us their music to distribute on the condition that we uphold these guidelines. To better explain: a digital streamed file should be looked at no differently than a physical CD. In the same way it is אסור and illegal to copy a CD so multiple people can use, even though both people are listening to the same song. Each C requires payment from each person to be listened to. One location can have the physical CD at a time. Each location similarly requires a plan to use 24Six. Furthermore, a newly married couple (for example) that rents an apartment still needs to purchase their own physical needs for that apartment. They don’t share electricity, they don’t share the hard goods of their new home, using it at the exact same time as their parents. Rather, it is a new entity and requires new products.
A subscription plan is no different than that. By cheating the system, the user is outright stealing from 24Six and the thousands of frum artists that rely on streaming for a part of their parnassah. 24Six is not mochel any users who try to circumvent these policies.