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Pesach: What To Talk About at the Seder? - The Incredible Machlokes Brisker Rav and Chasam Sofer Pesach: What To Talk About at the Seder? - The Incredible Machlokes Brisker Rav and Chasam Sofer

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Parshas Yisro: BRIS YITZCHAK - When Hashem Offered Us the Torah We Didn't Say Na'aseh V'nishmah Why? 07:28 Parshas Yisro: BRIS YITZCHAK - When Hashem Offered Us the Torah We Didn't Say Na'aseh V'nishmah Why? Parshas Yisro: BRIS YITZCHAK - When Hashem Offered Us the Torah We Didn't Say Na'aseh V'nishmah Why? Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Purim, Politics, and the Pawns of Hashem {Manhattan Highschool For Girls} 33:29 Purim, Politics, and the Pawns of Hashem {Manhattan Highschool For Girls} Purim, Politics, and the Pawns of Hashem {Manhattan Highschool For Girls} Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Bo: The Tragic Saga of the Bnei Efraim Who Left Mitzrayim Early 45:45 Parshas Bo: The Tragic Saga of the Bnei Efraim Who Left Mitzrayim Early Parshas Bo: The Tragic Saga of the Bnei Efraim Who Left Mitzrayim Early Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Vayeishev: The Shifting Letters of Er and Tamar 02:46 Parshas Vayeishev: The Shifting Letters of Er and Tamar Parshas Vayeishev: The Shifting Letters of Er and Tamar Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Journey to Morocco: The Sahara Desert - The Symbolism of the Camels 09:25 Journey to Morocco: The Sahara Desert - The Symbolism of the Camels Journey to Morocco: The Sahara Desert - The Symbolism of the Camels Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין "Holiday Gifts": Yarchei Kalla - Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island 37:29 "Holiday Gifts": Yarchei Kalla - Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island "Holiday Gifts": Yarchei Kalla - Yeshiva Ketana of Long Island Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין The Haftorah Series: Parshas Vayeishev - The Incredible Remez To "YAVAN" in the Description of Yosef 06:38 The Haftorah Series: Parshas Vayeishev - The Incredible Remez To "YAVAN" in the Description of Yosef The Haftorah Series: Parshas Vayeishev - The Incredible Remez To "YAVAN" in the Description of Yosef Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Pinchas: Why Eliyahu Will Herald The Geula - The Great Teaching of the Belzer Rebbe 31:56 Parshas Pinchas: Why Eliyahu Will Herald The Geula - The Great Teaching of the Belzer Rebbe Parshas Pinchas: Why Eliyahu Will Herald The Geula - The Great Teaching of the Belzer Rebbe Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Ki Sisa: The Role of Bechoros and Kohanim Before the Egel and In the End of Days 44:15 Parshas Ki Sisa: The Role of Bechoros and Kohanim Before the Egel and In the End of Days Parshas Ki Sisa: The Role of Bechoros and Kohanim Before the Egel and In the End of Days Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Tu B'Shevat: Eating Fruits, Rectifying The Sin Of The Forbidden Fruit 52:37 Tu B'Shevat: Eating Fruits, Rectifying The Sin Of The Forbidden Fruit Tu B'Shevat: Eating Fruits, Rectifying The Sin Of The Forbidden Fruit Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין