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Parshas Ki Savo: The Fundamental Objective of Creation 52:25 Parshas Ki Savo: The Fundamental Objective of Creation Parshas Ki Savo: The Fundamental Objective of Creation Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Pick Yourself Up 12:05 Pick Yourself Up Pick Yourself Up Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Journey to Morocco: Risani - The Kever of "Ateret Rosheinu", Rebbi Dovid Abichatzeira 01:47 Journey to Morocco: Risani - The Kever of "Ateret Rosheinu", Rebbi Dovid Abichatzeira Journey to Morocco: Risani - The Kever of "Ateret Rosheinu", Rebbi Dovid Abichatzeira Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Journey to Greece 2024: Athens - The Historic Encounter of Alexander the Great and Shimon Hatzadik 11:30 Journey to Greece 2024: Athens - The Historic Encounter of Alexander the Great and Shimon Hatzadik Journey to Greece 2024: Athens - The Historic Encounter of Alexander the Great and Shimon Hatzadik Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Shoes That Write Words In The Snow - Is It a Problem on Shabbos? 02:55 Shoes That Write Words In The Snow - Is It a Problem on Shabbos? Shoes That Write Words In The Snow - Is It a Problem on Shabbos? Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Ki Sisa: The Wondrous Concept of "Desecrate One Shabbos to Keep Many" 58:46 Parshas Ki Sisa: The Wondrous Concept of "Desecrate One Shabbos to Keep Many" Parshas Ki Sisa: The Wondrous Concept of "Desecrate One Shabbos to Keep Many" Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Vayishlach: It's Eliyahu Hanavi Returning From Meeting Eisav 04:03 Vayishlach: It's Eliyahu Hanavi Returning From Meeting Eisav Vayishlach: It's Eliyahu Hanavi Returning From Meeting Eisav Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Sukkos Springs Into Bereishis {More Davar Yafeh B'ito - Connecting Bereishis to the Zman Hashana} 05:38 Sukkos Springs Into Bereishis {More Davar Yafeh B'ito - Connecting Bereishis to the Zman Hashana} Sukkos Springs Into Bereishis {More Davar Yafeh B'ito - Connecting Bereishis to the Zman Hashana} Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין The Book of Nechemia: Chapter 13 - Tovia the Amoni is Kicked Out of the Temple 34:42 The Book of Nechemia: Chapter 13 - Tovia the Amoni is Kicked Out of the Temple The Book of Nechemia: Chapter 13 - Tovia the Amoni is Kicked Out of the Temple Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Shemos: Where Was Moshe When Adam Ate the Forbidden Fruit? 49:51 Parshas Shemos: Where Was Moshe When Adam Ate the Forbidden Fruit? Parshas Shemos: Where Was Moshe When Adam Ate the Forbidden Fruit? Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין