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Badaboom [Official Music Video] Badaboom [Official Music Video]

Badaboom is fresh, explosive and a first in Jewish Music. NACHAS' vision is to bring Jewish Music into a new era, an era where our youth especially, are excited about kosher entertainment in a world offering so many exciting and detrimental alternatives at the tip of the finger. Backed by leading Rabbanim, this song opens a door to the future of Jewish Music. "People are looking for something new, something different and exciting", says NACHAS, "If we can update the beat and style, infuse it with a positive Torah message that everyone can understand and relate to, while entertaining them, elevating them and bringing Simcha, that is Jewish Music". "No matter who we are or what category of Judaism we fall into, be it Litvish, Sepahrdic, Chassidic, Chabbad, Israeli, affiliated, unaffiliated etc, we are all one nation, we are all Jews, we need unity, and we all need Mashiach to come. "It is my hope that this song will help bring us all closer together. Once we realize that we are all brothers, Mashiach will surely come and Hashem will reveal his glory to the entire world. In a Badaboom! he will finally end this Galus" Badaboom is a Sparks Next production Produced and Directed by- Danny Finkelman Co- produced by: Meir Kalmanson Composed and Written by- NACHAS Music by- Ruli Ezrachi Photography and Art - Mauricio Arenas 2nd Camera - Nicolas Gril After effects - Massimo Crapanzano Choreography - DJ Nesher Consultants - Yossi Newman Sruly Meyer Lighting - MLP Cameo - Describe Zalman Krause Photography for press - Sruly Meyer Dancers: Boruch Hahn Meir Hahn Menachem Benarroch Meir kalmenson DJ Nesher Special Thank You Benny Friedman And Lipa Schmeltzer For all of your help and guidance Thanks to EyeQ Optical Thanks Rabbi Note Shemtov The ALIYA Institute