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New York Boys Choir - Bring It On (THE ANTI-BULLYING SONG) Ft. Nissim Black New York Boys Choir - Bring It On (THE ANTI-BULLYING SONG) Ft. Nissim Black

Watch New York Boys Choir, one of the most refreshing and creative sounds in the Jewish music scene, under the leadership of renowned producer Yitzy Bald, collaborating with film producer, Yossi Zweig, Jewish Rapper Nissim Black, and musical producer and arranger extraordinaire, Doni Gross of DEG Productions. They decided to team up, to present this powerful music video/audio track, entitled "Bring It On". This song is an ANTI-BULLYING song. It is about bullying and encourages those that are bullied to take a stand for themselves. Producer of the New York Boys Choir, Yitzy Bald, recalls being bullied by a bunch of boys, as a child, for over six years, while in a certain elementary school. This was at a time when bullying was not so recognized for how terrible it really is. "These bullies were so mean. They would lie about me and get me in trouble. I clearly remember spending time in the principal's office for things I never did. They would claim I shut down all the lights in the gym while the classes were playing in the gym (a safety hazard)... and countless other lies...They would make fun of me, isolate me from the rest of the class, and use countless, other hurtful tactics, to literally, destroy me. After fifth grade, I begged my parents to take me out of the school. Thank G-d, my parents switched me out and sent me to a school named Yeshivah Torah Vodaath, where I had a great experience in every way. I made life long friends, had great rabbis and teachers, that I still keep in touch with, and grew in my self confidence and self esteem. The school administration's attitude, from top to bottom, was one of positivity, and one that promoted self growth of each student and appreciated the talents and creativity of every boy. It was there that I thrived in every way, both physically and spiritually. My Rabbi, Rabbi Pam, of blessed memory, encouraged my choice to go into the Judaic Studies teaching profession, while continuing with my musical talents. He told me not to stop my musical endeavors. On the contrary, he built me up in every way to utilize all my talents and gifts to increase the honor of heaven and bring joy to people throughout the world." Bottom line...Bullying destroys people...And encouragement and positivity build people. Yitzy Bald contacted Nissim Black during the initial stages of production and asked him if he would lend his talent to this song. He replied "I too was bullied as a kid! The message resonates within me so strongly....I gotta do this with you!" Post Script..."To this day, when some of these bullies see me in the street, they can't even look me in the face, knowing of the damage they inflicted upon me. Let us all fight to eradicate this terrible disease by instituting a zero tolerance for bullying!" Choir Produced & Directed by: Yitzy Bald Copyrighted & Protected (2022) by: Yitzy Bald Music Video Conceptualized by: Yossi Zweig Music Production: Doni Gross Musical Arrangements: Doni Gross Film Production: Yossi Zweig Photos: Moshe Gershbaum Starring: THE NEW YORK BOYS CHOIR Soloists: Shmuel Haber, Ezriel Hirsch, Naftali Hoffner, Nachi Kaufman, & Eliezer Rosenfeld Background Vocals: Aryeh Kunstler Recorded at: DEG Studios Brooklyn NY Mixed and Mastered by: Doni Gross Special Thanks to: The Parents of the Choir