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AH-YAY - Cover by Shaindy Plotzker & Bracha Jaffe - For women and girls only AH-YAY - Cover by Shaindy Plotzker & Bracha Jaffe - For women and girls only

The "AH - YAY" Virtual Flashmob is here! Please respect that this is for women and girls only. I still vividly remember getting a frantic phone call from a very excited Bracha Jaffe around Pesach time. She explained this incredible idea of using song and dance to bring women and girls up and give everyone something to be involved in, and the more she spoke about it, the faster my heart beat and the more I could already envision the magical production that it would be. She asked if we could do it together, and I was thrilled to say yes! We jumped up and down and clapped and squealed like two excited school girls. And then we got to work. When we introduced the idea to all of you, we were overwhelmed by the heartfelt and beautiful responses that we got. We were blown away by the about 300 videos that we received in less than 48 hours. (GASP) The days flew by as we recorded, rehearsed, directed, videod, laughed, sang, and ate lots of delicious burgers. We didn’t sleep much, but we didn’t stop smiling. And here it is. To me, this is way more than just the worlds first virtual flashmob, which, by the way, is a pretty cool thing on its own. It’s a project of unity, of empowerment, of joy, of connection, and of love. During a time where so many of us are down, we saw a need to lift ourselves up and to get everyone up and dancing, and seeing all of you dance along with us just warms my heart. My favorite lyric that I wrote for the song is “from afar we unite”, as it speaks to how much we can do together even while we are far apart. While we are all sitting at home, far from each other, we still managed to come together and create this beautiful project of unity, connection, and positivity. This project also represents how we can choose to take a hard chapter of our lives and turn it into a positive and memorable time, by choosing to dance in the rain and laugh through the tears. There is nothing that connects me to my feelings and emotions, and to other people, more than music. It’s a spiritual thing that just can’t be explained, but we all know it. Sometimes, you just hear that one song, and you feel everything. I’m so grateful for the gift of music and song and the ability to share my music with all of you. I want to give a big thank you to the incredible Michal Hartman of Vision and Hart, for taking our visions and plans and working tirelessly and endlessly to make them come true. Michal, you’re the best! Thank you to Eli Gerstner for the great vocal arrangements and mix. A massive thank you goes to my dear friend Bracha Jaffe for sharing your dream with me and allowing me to be a part of the magic. Getting to do a project like this with a good friend has been a dream come true!! I am so grateful for our friendship and your presence in my life, and I am constantly amazed by your incredible talent and what you do with it. And to all of you, for following along with me on this journey, for your support and kind words, for joining in this project of a lifetime... thank you. You’re not followers, you’re friends. ️ I hope the message of the song resonates with you and that it brings a smile to your face! I can’t wait to hear your feedback! Shaindy Original song by: Chawki Video editing by: Vision and Hart Vocals arranged by: Eli Gerstner Vocals recorded and mixed by: Eli Gerstner Choreography by: Shaindy Plotzker, Bracha Jaffe, and Maayan Davis