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Burning Bright | by Bracha Jaffe & Shaindy Plotzker (For Women and Girls Only) Burning Bright | by Bracha Jaffe & Shaindy Plotzker (For Women and Girls Only)

For so many of us, the word “Chanukah” sparks a feeling of warmth and joy. Family time. Yummy food. Warmth. Gift giving. Happiness. As we get ready for this joyous time of year, our hearts and minds must recognize that for those who experiences financial strain, Chanukah may not spark the same feelings. Not everyone is able to give gifts to their children. Not everyone can host lavish Chanukah parties. Not everyone looks at Chanukah as a joyous time. And so we thought. What can WE do to give to others while we enjoy this beautiful time of year? We have a mission. And we call on YOU to join us in this mission. You GIVE. You GET. Tomchei Shabbos is an organization that provides food to families in need. They deliver countless boxes filled with all of the essential food needed weekly as well as food for shabbos and Yamim Tovim. They do so in the most dignified manner, so that those who struggle don’t ever feel ashamed or embarrassed. Bracha (@sBrachaJaffeMusic ) and I (@ShaindyPlotzkerMusic) felt that at this time of year, when the focus is so much on family, warmth, and comfort foods, we wanted to think of those who don’t have the luxury to enjoy the warm Chanukah feeling that we do. What better way that to give to Tomchei Shabbos and help them on their mission? But this is not a typical charity campaign. HERE’S WHERE IT GETS FUN. You GIVE, you GET. We have teamed up with some incredible sponsors who stand for this same feeling of the importance of giving to others. Each night of Chanukah, we will announce another grandiose prize. Reaaally good prizes. Stuff you want to win. Anyone who donates to our Tomchei Shabbos campaign (link in bio) on THAT DAY will be entered to win THAT DAY’S prize. You GIVE. You GET. Any donation counts!! You can donate $1 or $500 - either way you are entered to win!! We thank you for joining us as we keep the flame burning for ALL to see. Love, Bracha Jaffe & Shaindy Plotzker Credits: Vocals recorded and mixed by: Eli Gerstner Video director and photographer: Esty B Photography Video editor: Flash of Design Musical arrangement by Shai Bachar Videographer: Carlton Carrington