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LO LO LO - Shaindy Plotzker | (For Women & Girls Only) LO LO LO - Shaindy Plotzker | (For Women & Girls Only)

We are living through unprecedented times. Fear and worry flood our hearts and our minds on the daily, constantly agonizing over “What will tomorrow bring?” But here’s the thing. We are blessed to be the children of Hashem. And that means that in the most joyous moments and in the dark of night, He is always with us, and it will all be ok. That calm, that overwhelming sense of joy we feel when we realize that it’s not in our hands - it’s all in the hands of our loving father who never leaves our side and is always right beside us… thats the joy of realizing that we always have Hashem on our side. That’s when the “fear melts away”. I hope this song brings that joy of faith and Emunah into your life, brings a smile to your heart, gets you up and dancing, and reminds you that Hashem is always right there, beside you. (And I hope you enjoy the 80’s style!) All my love, Shaindy “LO LO LO" Shaindy Plotzker Song Composed & Produced By Eli Gerstner (EG Productions) English Lyrics By Shaindy Plotzker Music Arranged & Programmed By Shai Barak Mixed & Mastered By Eli Gerstner @ EG Studios