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Hear My Prayer - Eli Levin - Album Sampler Hear My Prayer - Eli Levin - Album Sampler

I am immensely proud to share this album with you. I have poured my heart and soul into these songs and I hope it comes through. Two of the songs are my own compositions; Yehi Ratzon, and Lord Hear My Prayer. The other eight are covers of popular kumzitz songs that I love to sing at the events that I perform at. I’d like to thank Doni Gross for making this album exactly how I envisioned it; simple and elegant, and at times touching, and raw. Doni knew exactly how to shape the music to my preferences. Thank you Shani Levin for your amazing artwork, your professional graphics have completed the album. HEAR MY PRAYER 01 LORD HEAR MY PRAYER - ELI LEVIN 02 NAFSHI - ISHAY RIBO 03 TNIYELEH - SHULEM LEMMER 04 KIDDISH - AVRUM MORDCHE SCHWARTZ 05 NESHUME - SHLOIME GERTNER 06 YEHI_RATZON - ELI LEVIN 07 REB SHAYELEH - R’ SHIMSHON NEIMAN 08 RIBOIN - BERI WEBER 09 LIVCHOR NACHON - AMIR DADON 10 FAR DIR - DOVY MEISELS