Once Upon a Daf: Camping in the Dark with Rebbi Akiva
Once Upon a Daf: Camping in the Dark with Rebbi Akiva
Rebbi Nachman teaches us that some people use stories to help them fall asleep, but Yidden know that holy stories actually help us wake up!
Join TYH Nation and world famous singer and storyteller, Mendy Worch, on a journey through the stories of the Gemara, meeting some of our greatest sages as they teach us the lessons of our Rabbis. The visual effects will enhance your appreciation of the valuable life lessons contained in the words of Chazal.
TYH Nation Presents
with Mendy Worch
Hosted by Mendy Worch
Produced by Ari Silman
AI Illustrations and edited by Mendel Katz
Music and SFX by Yehudah Pinsker
Filmed by Mendel Laine