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October 7th and Tisha B’Av October 7th and Tisha B’Av

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Parshas Vayechi: The Secret of Menashe and Ephraim 32:57 Parshas Vayechi: The Secret of Menashe and Ephraim Parshas Vayechi: The Secret of Menashe and Ephraim Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Chanukah and Parshas Mikeitz: Rashi's Frequent Citing of Targum in Mikeitz 01:26 Chanukah and Parshas Mikeitz: Rashi's Frequent Citing of Targum in Mikeitz Chanukah and Parshas Mikeitz: Rashi's Frequent Citing of Targum in Mikeitz Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Rabbeinu Yona on Pirkei Avos Perek 2 Mishna 9 If You Don't Pay a Debt You Are Wicked 20:21 Rabbeinu Yona on Pirkei Avos Perek 2 Mishna 9 If You Don't Pay a Debt You Are Wicked Rabbeinu Yona on Pirkei Avos Perek 2 Mishna 9 If You Don't Pay a Debt You Are Wicked Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין The Annual Illumination of Chanukah - The Electrifying Insight of the Ben Yehoyada 07:30 The Annual Illumination of Chanukah - The Electrifying Insight of the Ben Yehoyada The Annual Illumination of Chanukah - The Electrifying Insight of the Ben Yehoyada Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין How To Savor Pesach Throughout The Year - The Bas Ayin Reveals The Answer To The Chacham 03:32 How To Savor Pesach Throughout The Year - The Bas Ayin Reveals The Answer To The Chacham How To Savor Pesach Throughout The Year - The Bas Ayin Reveals The Answer To The Chacham Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Journey To Tzefas and Parshas Bo - A Vort From The Bas Ayin in the Shul of the Bas Ayin 02:27 Journey To Tzefas and Parshas Bo - A Vort From The Bas Ayin in the Shul of the Bas Ayin Journey To Tzefas and Parshas Bo - A Vort From The Bas Ayin in the Shul of the Bas Ayin Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Satmar Simchas Beis Hashoeiva 5785 - The Sukkah of the Levyasan 47:37 Satmar Simchas Beis Hashoeiva 5785 - The Sukkah of the Levyasan Satmar Simchas Beis Hashoeiva 5785 - The Sukkah of the Levyasan Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Beshalach: Top 10 Segulos To Make More $$$ 45:27 Parshas Beshalach: Top 10 Segulos To Make More $$$ Parshas Beshalach: Top 10 Segulos To Make More $$$ Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Korach: Diamonds from the Chasam Sofer 45:45 Parshas Korach: Diamonds from the Chasam Sofer Parshas Korach: Diamonds from the Chasam Sofer Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Rebbi's Inexplicable Practice of Planting a Tree on Purim 48:19 Rebbi's Inexplicable Practice of Planting a Tree on Purim Rebbi's Inexplicable Practice of Planting a Tree on Purim Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין