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Torah To Brazil: Sao Paulo - Bringing Redemption to Reality {L'maaleh DWomen's Event} Torah To Brazil: Sao Paulo - Bringing Redemption to Reality {L'maaleh DWomen's Event}

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October 7th and Tisha B'Av - When Simchas Torah Became Tisha B'Av {Introduction to Kinnus 5784} 41:55 October 7th and Tisha B'Av - When Simchas Torah Became Tisha B'Av {Introduction to Kinnus 5784} October 7th and Tisha B'Av - When Simchas Torah Became Tisha B'Av {Introduction to Kinnus 5784} Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Torah Down Under: Melbourne; Aspiring For Greatness {Yeshiva Yesodei Hatorah} 32:53 Torah Down Under: Melbourne; Aspiring For Greatness {Yeshiva Yesodei Hatorah} Torah Down Under: Melbourne; Aspiring For Greatness {Yeshiva Yesodei Hatorah} Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Va'eira: Pharaoh's Battle with the Name of Hashem 34:15 Parshas Va'eira: Pharaoh's Battle with the Name of Hashem Parshas Va'eira: Pharaoh's Battle with the Name of Hashem Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Chukas: The Last Sighting of the Parah Aduma 43:38 Parshas Chukas: The Last Sighting of the Parah Aduma Parshas Chukas: The Last Sighting of the Parah Aduma Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Tisha B'Av and the War In Israel - Talkline With Zev Brenner 28:20 Tisha B'Av and the War In Israel - Talkline With Zev Brenner Tisha B'Av and the War In Israel - Talkline With Zev Brenner Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Journey to Morocco: Togouna - The Kever of Rebbi Daniel Shomer Ha'ashkenazi 07:00 Journey to Morocco: Togouna - The Kever of Rebbi Daniel Shomer Ha'ashkenazi Journey to Morocco: Togouna - The Kever of Rebbi Daniel Shomer Ha'ashkenazi Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Words of Kindness During Pesach {Lahav} 02:28 Words of Kindness During Pesach {Lahav} Words of Kindness During Pesach {Lahav} Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Balak: The Chida on Why Going To Shul Will Not Elevate You If You Bring Your Phone 06:55 Parshas Balak: The Chida on Why Going To Shul Will Not Elevate You If You Bring Your Phone Parshas Balak: The Chida on Why Going To Shul Will Not Elevate You If You Bring Your Phone Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Davar Yafeh B'ito - Connecting Parshas Ki Seitzei With the Zman Hashana 13:58 Davar Yafeh B'ito - Connecting Parshas Ki Seitzei With the Zman Hashana Davar Yafeh B'ito - Connecting Parshas Ki Seitzei With the Zman Hashana Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Tisha B'Av: The Dynamic Duo to Add to Your Tefilla to Bring the Geula 10:30 Tisha B'Av: The Dynamic Duo to Add to Your Tefilla to Bring the Geula Tisha B'Av: The Dynamic Duo to Add to Your Tefilla to Bring the Geula Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין