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Balak: Why Does the Torah Describe the Ritual of Ba'al Peor - The Incredible Insight of the Chida Balak: Why Does the Torah Describe the Ritual of Ba'al Peor - The Incredible Insight of the Chida

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Parshas Vayigash: The Sovereignty of Yehuda 41:25 Parshas Vayigash: The Sovereignty of Yehuda Parshas Vayigash: The Sovereignty of Yehuda Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Vayechi: A Rebuttal on Behalf of the Chashmonaim, The Ran & Abarbanel's Disagreement with the Ramban 13:47 Vayechi: A Rebuttal on Behalf of the Chashmonaim, The Ran & Abarbanel's Disagreement with the Ramban Vayechi: A Rebuttal on Behalf of the Chashmonaim, The Ran & Abarbanel's Disagreement with the Ramban Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Journey to Morocco: Erfoud, Gateway of the Sahara - The Kever of Rav Shmuel Abichatzeira 01:59 Journey to Morocco: Erfoud, Gateway of the Sahara - The Kever of Rav Shmuel Abichatzeira Journey to Morocco: Erfoud, Gateway of the Sahara - The Kever of Rav Shmuel Abichatzeira Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Pesacheinu Megadim - Connecting the Beginning and End of Parshas Noach 19:57 Pesacheinu Megadim - Connecting the Beginning and End of Parshas Noach Pesacheinu Megadim - Connecting the Beginning and End of Parshas Noach Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Bo: "Emptying Out the Sparks" - Yetzias Mitzrayim in the World of the Chasam Sofer 51:31 Parshas Bo: "Emptying Out the Sparks" - Yetzias Mitzrayim in the World of the Chasam Sofer Parshas Bo: "Emptying Out the Sparks" - Yetzias Mitzrayim in the World of the Chasam Sofer Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Chanukah: The Menorah Reveals the Hidden Light of Creation 54:41 Chanukah: The Menorah Reveals the Hidden Light of Creation Chanukah: The Menorah Reveals the Hidden Light of Creation Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Ten Mitzvos You Can Do This Sukkos 10:45 Ten Mitzvos You Can Do This Sukkos Ten Mitzvos You Can Do This Sukkos Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Noach: The Tower of Bavel & the End of Days - The Great Equilibrium 31:37 Parshas Noach: The Tower of Bavel & the End of Days - The Great Equilibrium Parshas Noach: The Tower of Bavel & the End of Days - The Great Equilibrium Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Parshas Mishpatim: The Dilemma of the Rivash, and the Chasam Sofer's Solution 06:30 Parshas Mishpatim: The Dilemma of the Rivash, and the Chasam Sofer's Solution Parshas Mishpatim: The Dilemma of the Rivash, and the Chasam Sofer's Solution Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין Davar Yafeh B'ito - Connecting Parshas Re'eh to the Zman Hashana 14:13 Davar Yafeh B'ito - Connecting Parshas Re'eh to the Zman Hashana Davar Yafeh B'ito - Connecting Parshas Re'eh to the Zman Hashana Rabbi Daniel Glatstein דניאל גלטשטיין