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"How Do I Entertain Myself on the Sabbath?"- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz "How Do I Entertain Myself on the Sabbath?"- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz

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Did man really land on the moon? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz 00:35 Did man really land on the moon? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Did man really land on the moon? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Non Jewish Song Parodies? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz 01:17 Non Jewish Song Parodies? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Non Jewish Song Parodies? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz, Oorah Rabbi Chaim Mintz, רבקי ברנשטיין Why are we allowed to blow shofar on a holiday? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz 01:38 Why are we allowed to blow shofar on a holiday? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Why are we allowed to blow shofar on a holiday? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Why Do We Get Judged Before We Have a Chance to Repent?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz 02:33 Why Do We Get Judged Before We Have a Chance to Repent?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Why Do We Get Judged Before We Have a Chance to Repent?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Queen Esther - Did She Sin? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz 02:09 Queen Esther - Did She Sin? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Queen Esther - Did She Sin? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz, Oorah Rabbi Chaim Mintz, רבקי ברנשטיין Is it ok to post a negative review on social media? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz 03:00 Is it ok to post a negative review on social media? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Is it ok to post a negative review on social media? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi, my friend is lying about needing financial aid! | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz 02:49 Rabbi, my friend is lying about needing financial aid! | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi, my friend is lying about needing financial aid! | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Should we dance when terrorists are destroyed? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz 03:17 Should we dance when terrorists are destroyed? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Should we dance when terrorists are destroyed? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz "Haftorah", "Maftir", "Mussaf" - Why all the Same Person? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz 02:10 "Haftorah", "Maftir", "Mussaf" - Why all the Same Person? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz "Haftorah", "Maftir", "Mussaf" - Why all the Same Person? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz, Oorah Rabbi Chaim Mintz, רבקי ברנשטיין What Is the Meaning and Purpose of Lighting Memorial Candles?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz 03:26 What Is the Meaning and Purpose of Lighting Memorial Candles?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz What Is the Meaning and Purpose of Lighting Memorial Candles?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz