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How can G-d send us challenges we can't overcome? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz How can G-d send us challenges we can't overcome? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz

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Now that we're observant should we get rid of our dog? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz 06:08 Now that we're observant should we get rid of our dog? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Now that we're observant should we get rid of our dog? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Does the man make the decisions or do they both? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz 04:31 Does the man make the decisions or do they both? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Does the man make the decisions or do they both? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz "Mind-Relieving Gossip" - Is it Allowed? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz 02:21 "Mind-Relieving Gossip" - Is it Allowed? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz "Mind-Relieving Gossip" - Is it Allowed? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz, Oorah Rabbi Chaim Mintz, רבקי ברנשטיין Jew Buried in a Non-Jewish Cemetery? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz 01:42 Jew Buried in a Non-Jewish Cemetery? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Jew Buried in a Non-Jewish Cemetery? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz, Oorah Rabbi Chaim Mintz, רבקי ברנשטיין Why Do People in Israel Light The Menorah Outside their Homes? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz 03:22 Why Do People in Israel Light The Menorah Outside their Homes? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Why Do People in Israel Light The Menorah Outside their Homes? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Can I Use My Oven For Both Milk and Meat?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Elli Bohm 01:06 Can I Use My Oven For Both Milk and Meat?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Elli Bohm Can I Use My Oven For Both Milk and Meat?- Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Elli Bohm Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz My wife wants dairy on Shavuos and I want meat! | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz 01:02 My wife wants dairy on Shavuos and I want meat! | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz My wife wants dairy on Shavuos and I want meat! | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz When should I eat my Purim meal this year? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz 01:31 When should I eat my Purim meal this year? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz When should I eat my Purim meal this year? | Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Is Gambling a Sin? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz 04:35 Is Gambling a Sin? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Is Gambling a Sin? - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz When Did The Dinosaurs Live - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz 01:35 When Did The Dinosaurs Live - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz When Did The Dinosaurs Live - Ask the Rabbi Live with Rabbi Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz Rabbi Chaim Mintz