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A Tour In BP | אביסל ווייטער #5 A Tour In BP | אביסל ווייטער #5

Thanks For Watching Don't forget to mention abisel Special Thanks To: Shlomy Lessin- Abisel Media Leiby schar - Reels Media Yossi Blumnfeild Yoni Steinfeld Two tone media Hershy Krous - DJ ancii Face-Up David Mintzer and Friends 00:00Intro 00:23Hooplah 01:41Help Me Build Credit 02:50Catch & Co 04:16ILMIO 05:42Ice Cream House 07:18Regal Stays 08:29Dip's 09:38Two Tone Media 10:22Eichler's 11:46Living Quaters 12:58Prestige 14:00Heritage Silver 14:45Revius On The Go