Enjoy this special Zos Chanukah episode where Aryeh Fingerer sat down with R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin on the Jewish n’ Joyful podcast.
Episode sponsors:
-Colel Chabad: Please help the poor people in Israel. Download the Pushka app or make a much needed donation. They need all the help they can get!
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Visit https://www.ColelChabad.org/joyful to make a much-needed donation!
-Parsha Inspiration: Receive brief inspiration and a beautiful Dvar Torah to share at your Shabbos table email
[email protected] or visit parshaknowledge.com.
- Ohr Olam: An Incredible Hebrew-English Mishnah Berurah that's changing the world! Get a copy at your local Jewish bookstore or their website www.ohr-olam.org.
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