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All Together Now All Together Now

All Together Now! The 24Six Debut Music Video FEATURING AVRAHAM FRIED YAAKOV SHWEKEY SHMUELI UNGAR STARRING: SIMCHE FRIEDMAN & NAFTALI BLUMENTHAL A 24Six ORIGINAL PRODUCED BY HEART.WORKS VIDEO: OLAM MEDIA & CHANA ORIAN DIRECTED BY: AHARON ORIAN SONG COMPOSED & PRODUCED BY: YITZY WALDNER LYRICS BY MIRIAM ISRAELI YIDDISH LYRICS: SHAUL BEN YAKIR MUSICAL ARRANGEMENTS: MENDY HERSHKOWITZ / SONIC DUO In a world where the winds reign fierce and the waves rise tidal Storms! Gales! Torrents! It’s all goin’ down the tubes! How do we protect our core, when all is rotten to the core? How can we spoti….. Cut! Cut! Cut! It’s not all gloom n’ doom! Let’s face the music! It's a new era! Let’s change the tune! Here I am a traffic jam the kids with me on the way we want a game we need a song something to play maybe this maybe that what's the choice gonna be Abba, please can we hear Halev sheliiiiii Hey Siri, play Halev Sheli Now playing, Kelev Sheli Hey, so Siri seriously gets it wrong cuz the world out there just ain't where we belong and what can you expect from auto correct (incorrect) who’ll be playing our song? Sitting round safe and sound we’re watching a siyum online all is well daddy kvells it's family time Oy! vey is mir! what's on the air have we been loooooosing control?! get it back right on track protecting our homes So we’ve finally discovered the solution’s here choose an artist or a podcast or a Torah shiur watch the latest thing it’s happ-appening! try it 24/6 We decide who’s inside suit your taste find your space got it at your fingertips it’s a family gift 24Six you’ve got your perfect mix כל הנשמה מה מה תהלל לל קה בואו ונדליק ת'המוזיק