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Simchas Hachaim #6 Promotion Simchas Hachaim #6 Promotion

AVRUMI BERKO PRODUCTIONS & ADERET MUSIC ARE BACK WITH THE EXCITING ALL NEW “SIMCHAS HACHAIM 6”! Simchas Hachaim 6 takes this series to a whole new level. Featuring 10 great singers, world class musicians, Yedidim International Choir, and the world renowned Shir V'shevach Boys Choir, this album is sure to get you dancing for hours and infuse you with true SIMCHAS HACHAIM! Singers include Mendy Werdyger, Yisroel Werdyger, Benny Friedman, Eli Marcus, Shea Berko, R' Mordechai V Landau, Yeshaye Ilowitz, Freund Brothers, Leiby Wieder, & Amrom Greenwald. Musicians include: (the one & only!) Avrum Balty, Motty Feldman, Dot Asarf, Dani Flam & Nachman Helbitz.

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A Royal Compilation Featuring Berko Brothers, Shira, Yingerlech 10:22 A Royal Compilation Featuring Berko Brothers, Shira, Yingerlech A Royal Compilation Featuring Berko Brothers, Shira, Yingerlech Avrumi Berko, Shea Berko, Shira Choir, Yingerlich אברומי ברקו, שיע ברקו, שרגא גולד, נפתלי שניצלר "Es Lachshi" Performed by Y. M. Schweid, An A Berko Production 06:47 "Es Lachshi" Performed by Y. M. Schweid, An A Berko Production "Es Lachshi" Performed by Y. M. Schweid, An A Berko Production Avrumi Berko אברומי ברקו Vehi Sheamdo - Shea & Avrumi Berko 01:37 Vehi Sheamdo - Shea & Avrumi Berko Vehi Sheamdo - Shea & Avrumi Berko Avrumi Berko, Shea Berko אברומי ברקו, שיע ברקו A NIGHT OF DANCE 🔥🔥🔥🔥 SHEA & AVRUMI Berko & SHIRA CHOIR 11:25 A NIGHT OF DANCE 🔥🔥🔥🔥 SHEA & AVRUMI Berko & SHIRA CHOIR A NIGHT OF DANCE 🔥🔥🔥🔥 SHEA & AVRUMI Berko & SHIRA CHOIR Avrumi Berko, Shea Berko אברומי ברקו, שיע ברקו Avrumi Berko production & Shea Berko- 2nd Dance אברמי בערקא ויהושע בערקא-הורה 07:02 Avrumi Berko production & Shea Berko- 2nd Dance אברמי בערקא ויהושע בערקא-הורה Avrumi Berko production & Shea Berko- 2nd Dance אברמי בערקא ויהושע בערקא-הורה Avrumi Berko, Shea Berko אברומי ברקו, שיע ברקו "Refoeinu" Featuring Shea & Avrumi Berko, Yedidim Choir, A. Berko Production 06:04 "Refoeinu" Featuring Shea & Avrumi Berko, Yedidim Choir, A. Berko Production "Refoeinu" Featuring Shea & Avrumi Berko, Yedidim Choir, A. Berko Production Avrumi Berko, Shea Berko, Yedidim Choir אברומי ברקו, שיע ברקו, יעקב אורליאנסקי Bringing back the 80's with MBD Classics | Feat. Shea Berko & Yedidim, A Berko Prod 07:53 Bringing back the 80's with MBD Classics | Feat. Shea Berko & Yedidim, A Berko Prod Bringing back the 80's with MBD Classics | Feat. Shea Berko & Yedidim, A Berko Prod Avrumi Berko, Shea Berko, Yedidim Choir אברומי ברקו, שיע ברקו, יעקב אורליאנסקי Yerushalayim MBD ירושלים מ.ב.ד Shea and Avrumi Berko and Yedidim Choir, A. Berko Production 04:42 Yerushalayim MBD ירושלים מ.ב.ד Shea and Avrumi Berko and Yedidim Choir, A. Berko Production Yerushalayim MBD ירושלים מ.ב.ד Shea and Avrumi Berko and Yedidim Choir, A. Berko Production Avrumi Berko, Shea Berko, Yedidim Choir אברומי ברקו, שיע ברקו, יעקב אורליאנסקי Shaya Ilowitz - Oid Avichem 04:59 Shaya Ilowitz - Oid Avichem Shaya Ilowitz - Oid Avichem Avrumi Berko אברומי ברקו Toras chayim music, choir Arr by A berko sung by shea berko 04:55 Toras chayim music, choir Arr by A berko sung by shea berko Toras chayim music, choir Arr by A berko sung by shea berko Avrumi Berko אברומי ברקו