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Ari Goldwag - Acharei Mos - Biding the Time Ari Goldwag - Acharei Mos - Biding the Time

Why is the concept of the Avodah-service of the High Priest on Yom Kippur sandwiched between the death of Nadav and Avihu and the forbidden relationships? What does the midrash mean when it says Nadav and Avihu wanted the 'old guys' to move on so they could take over? What is the concept of 'sustaining the eyes' by viewing a spiritual experience in the wrong time? Why does the midrash use a similar language in talking about what is lost by looking at things forbidden? Why is it that the result of not 'sustaining the eyes' inappropriately is that one receives a revelation of the Divine presence? Find out in this week's parsha podcast.