Emunah at Work | Aaron Gordon / Emunah as a Tool for Growth | Laibel Schwartz | TYH Nation
Emunah at Work | Aaron Gordon / Emunah as a Tool for Growth | Laibel Schwartz | TYH Nation
Laibel's Take on episode 4:
Being a Yid is about responsibilities. Responsibilities towards Hashem. Responsibilities towards a fellow Yid. And responsibilities towards our children, including the heavy burden of instilling emunah into their hearts — like our parents did to us. All our experiences help sharpen this emunah and bring it into brighter focus so that it can be passed forward to the next generation.
Adam HaRishon was told that “by the sweat of your brow you will eat your bread.” While this may exclusively seem like a curse, our conversation with Aaron helped me realize that it carries with it a tremendous blessing. We all embrace perceptions in our youth of what our emunah and relationship with HKB”H is supposed to look like. But as we face new challenges and go through our personal and professional journeys, we gain clarity and find our own path, one that can then be imbued in those who come after us.