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Namesakes - Shiras Hayam Girls Choir for women only Namesakes - Shiras Hayam Girls Choir for women only

Namesakes A message for the women and girls in Klal Yisroel. Our names contain the essence of our Neshama. The blueprint of our life’s mission. We have so many leaders before us who we can look up to, and it’s our job to strive to reach the greatness which they possessed. They paved the way for us today. All that we are and all that we could be could be is passed down from our mothers. We must always remember that we are their legacy. We are their NAMESAKES. Shiras Hayam girls choir by Yael Bohbot and Penina Mandelbaum Video produced by AD Visuals Directed by Yael Bohbot and Penina Mandelbaum Lyrics by Tzofia Shimon Song produced by AEcreativestudios Musical arrangement by Moshe Seigel Script by Y. Bromberg Special thank you to Leeba Teichman Rena Kriendler Esti Fishler Hodaya Addi