Shloime Taussig and Zemiros - Avos Ha’Kedoshim | שלמה טויסיג - מקהלת זמירות - אבות הקדושים
Shloime Taussig and Zemiros - Avos Ha’Kedoshim | שלמה טויסיג - מקהלת זמירות - אבות הקדושים
R' Shloime Taussig and the Zemiros group come together to bring you the powerful composition "Avos Ha’Kedoshim" performered by the EvanAl Orchestra. This incredible song originally performed by Meir Gafni and composed by Eli Klein, created an argument about how to perform it. Should it be fast and upbeat, or slow and emotional? Gafni consulted with some of the greatest minds in the Chassidic music world until Mona decided that it sounded more correct in the softer version. Now enjoy EvanAl, R' Shloime Taussig and Zemiros bring the song to life on the stage. Vocals: R' Shloime Taussig and The Zemiros GroupEvanAl:Eli LaxYaacov FriedmanAryeh KunstlerAudio by: Shy Clyman (SC Events)Mixed by: Aryeh Kunstler (Roar Recording)Additional post production by Moshy KrausVideo by: Motty Engel