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Shloime Taussig sings at L'asurim Appreciation Dinner Shloime Taussig sings at L'asurim Appreciation Dinner

More than four hundred volunteers of L'asurim gathered Thursday evening in the halls of Renaissance in Boro Park for the organization's Annual Appreciation Dinner. The organization consists of volunteers who visit Jewish inmates in prison year-round and assist them and their families on multiple fronts. The work is done with little fanfare yet with great dedication. As such, the organization held an Appreciation Dinner where a luscious meal was served and musical band consisting of Lasurim volunteers entertained the attendees. Askunim and Community leaders who are involved in community and Law Enforcement matters year-round addressed the crowd. Among this year's speakers were Chief Operating Officer of the Aleph Institute Rabbi Mendel Katz; Liaison to Law Enforcement agencies Rabbi Zvi Gluck; UJO President Rabbi Moshe David Niderman; Rockland County Legislator-elect Rabbi Aaron Ben Zion Wieder; New Square Deputy Mayor Rabbi Izzy Spitzer. Appreciation Plaques were handed out for some of the volunteers to recognize their selfless and outstanding year-round work on behalf of families who suffer due to a member being locked up at times for many years.

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