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ושבו בנים - מאטי אילאוויטש | Veshuvi Bunim - Motty Ilowitz ושבו בנים - מאטי אילאוויטש | Veshuvi Bunim - Motty Ilowitz

The 11th of Cheshvan is the anniversary of Rachel Imainu’s death. For thousands of years, Jews come to pour out their hearts at her grave, because a mother always listens and she cries for, and with, us. To commemorate this day, the famous composer and singer Motty Ilowitz releases a song about our plea to our "Mama Rachel" to ask for mercy on behalf of her children untill the final redemption - ושבו בנים לגבולם. This song was originally composed and performed on stage at the famous and very popular 'Interen Shtiel' play - a Neuhaus Production - on Chol Hamoed Pesach '19. Motty refined the lyrics, reconstructed the idea, and specifically regathered the same 'interen' team to be involved in this project. Arranged & mixed by Hershy Pavel, who originally played the music on stage at the play. Choir was done by Yedidim, led by Yoel Hersh Fuchs, well-known for his extraordinary talents of acting and singing, specifically on the Interen stages. Vocala recorded at Yufeh Studios. Graphics by Designico.

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