Shlomo Lipman Or Chadash [Official Music Video] in collaboration with Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh 
Shlomo Lipman Or Chadash [Official Music Video] in collaboration with Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh 
Shlomo Lipman is a singer/songwriter from Israel who has been involved with Jewish Music for most of his life. As a kid Shlomo was a soloist on Ari Goldwag's Sheves Chaveirim and has performed all over the world as a member of Shira Chadasha boys choir.
Shlomo’s debut song “Kan Itcha” was a massive hit on Israel radio and it is played all the time on the various religious radio stations around the country.
Ohr Chadash is a collaboration with Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavne, The illustrious and original Hesder Yeshiva where Shlomo Studied and through which he served as a commander in golani.
The music video was created to showcase the beautiful new lighting in the historic Beit Midrash, And to show how the wonderful light of the Torah learning at KBY shines out and lights up the entire world.
Composition: Shlomo Lipman
Lyrics/ Word Compilation: Shlomo Lipman
Mixed & Mastered by Naftali Herpez
Video by Record Production
Music video Producers: Mickey Langental & Avia Amser
Videographer: Oleg_the_great
Editor: Letta Datskovsky
Video produced by Yeshivat Kerem B’yavneh 
Idea: Tzvi Zeltzer