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Track 7: Koach HaYisrali כח הישראלי | Koach Hayisraeli | Sruly Green | TYH Nation Track 7: Koach HaYisrali כח הישראלי | Koach Hayisraeli | Sruly Green | TYH Nation

Koach HaYisrali כח הישראלי This profound and deep message was imparted by the Rebbe of Piazetzna, Rav Klonimus Kalman Shapiro HY’D. “Believe in the power of the Yid that is both within you and within your service of Hashem. Furthermore, you will see that once you recognize and focus on this power, you will be instantly uplifted and you will begin to illuminate the entire world… like a big bright star.” No explanation needed. You have a super power, and when you realize it, you can change the world!

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