Track 3: M'ein Olam Haba מעין עולם הבא | Koach Hayisraeli | Sruly Green | TYH Nation
Track 3: M'ein Olam Haba מעין עולם הבא | Koach Hayisraeli | Sruly Green | TYH Nation
M'ein Olam Haba
מעין עולם הבא
Shabbos is a taste of the World to Come, a mini Olam Habah experience. There are many connections between the two, but we love to focus on the following idea.
In the World to Come we will be able to enjoy Hashem's closeness to each and every Yid, and to literally experience the clarity that comes with fully understanding Hashem and his world.
On Shabbos, we access a taste of that experience.
Stop for a moment as Shabbos begins, and say Thank You Hashem! Thank You Hashem for giving us a day to unplug and recharge our spiritual batteries.
None of the distractions of the week, just us and Hashem… a true taste of the Word to Come.