Gideon Levine

גדעון לוין

40 songs 7 albums

Born in Jerusalem, Gideon Levine began his music career playing the Clarinet at the age of 12, at age 16 he formed in Israel the famous wedding band “Sameach Tesamach” but yet his real passion was composing and singing. Later he put together the "Chomos Yerusholayim" band. In 1985 Gideon Produced and recorded Michoel Stricher, then a rising star and provided him with compositions that made him famous such like “Elokay Neshamah” “Tipol” “Nachamu” and many more, In 1986 Gideon opened his famous "GYL" Recording studio in Brooklyn NY and was for the first Frum recording studio in the Jewish music industry, he did recordings over a 30 year span with the likes of Rabbi Shlomo Carlbach “Zal”, Rabbi Ben-Tzion Shenker "Zal" Rabbi David Werdyger "Zal", Mordechai ben David, Avraham Fried, Yeddle, Yaakov Shweky, Lipa, Dedi, the Piamenta’s, Sharf Levine Schwaible, Yerachmiel Begun, Abish Brodt and Regesh, Shlomo Simcha, Issac Honig, to name a few recording there. Gideon was involved in recording over 300 albums, many with his unique and talented vocal arrangements and harmonies leading the way as well as coaching many of the lead vocalist in the Jewish music world. Gideon was also the creator, composer and producer of “The Best of The Best velum 1 and 2” both whom became classics in the world of Jewish music, Over the cores of the past 35 years Gideon errand the outmost respect from every artist who worked with him and the list is long. The most famous musicians, arrangers, and conductors recorded at his GYL Studio. Israel Lamm, Mona Rosenblum, Moshe Laufer, Yaron Gershovsky, to name a few, Gideon is also known for his special heart and soul singing that captured and moved many people all over, a fun and beloved performer entertainer that is a pleasure to watch as well as listening to A few of Gideon Levine’s Albums : Chomot Yerusholayim Shomer Israel A Voice in Heaven Welcome Back Yom Tov The Best Of The Best 1 & 2

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