
יונתן ליפשיץ

85 songs 7 albums

We are three breslev chassidim, 2 americans and one israeli, 2 guitars and one violin. Our aim is to spread the joy and inspiration of breslev chassidim and to bring a breath of fresh air to you, from our home, the mystical city of tsfat, the home of the kabala. From New York, Philadelphia, Montreal, Miami, San Diego, Portland, Canada, Guatemala and Costa Rica our audiences have ranged from jewish inmates at federal penitentiaries to 4000 people at an israel 2000 event at the greek theater in LA, from chassidic children in cheder to conservative congregants, from Israeli army bases in the Golan to skid row in los angeles (really!) and old age homes too. Whether at weddings, yeshivas, annual dinners, day schools k-12, prisons, nursing homes, tour groups all over israel, synagogues, jccs, campus hillels, private parties, and fundraisers from 10 to 4000 people, from 2 years old to 120, from private homes to large halls, from evening concerts, to morning, afternoon and midnight kumsitzes, if you're looking for more than just a quick pick me up, if you're looking to connect with your past to help you live now and tomorrow, join us and the thousands whom we have touched...

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