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Mendy Twerski

מנדי טברסקי

23 songs 7 albums

Mendy Twerski grew up in Brooklyn, & is a part of the chasidic community, Mendy has his unique style of writing, singing, and composing, Mendy's songs, all have 1 thing in common, their all here to deliver a message... Mendy made his way into j-hiphop, j-pop, and even into the popular jewish kumzits music, Since 2018 mendy has worked with his team, to create Original music, with topics that everyone can relate to. In 2019 mendy shocked everyone by blasting off his single 'מיין ראש הישיבה' which became extremely popular due to the sensitivity of the topic. Mendy also worked with TYH Nation, and released a beautiful תפילת תודה in yiddish, So, check out this profile, you'll definitely enjoy it✌️

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