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פרנצ'יסקה קיי

88 songs 20 albums

I’m the founder of Kay Productions and a Jewish Orthodox Art-Preneur. I started my career as a singer and composer, and became an international artist and performer, having released over 60 singles. After that, I moved on to launch Kay Productions, which offers a unique combination of services, from content development to producing, marketing, and—most importantly—ways to make an impact with a message worth sharing. I started my own podcast, The Franciska Show, to give voice to the inspiring stories of Orthodox Jewish female artists, and to create a space where it's safe to discuss taboo topics. Traditionally, women's voices have been stifled, but modern technology has opened up new horizons for women to engage with their audiences in ways that were unheard of a decade ago. Before I had my show, I was frustrated and fed up with my industry. Launching my podcast helped me build not just a market for my business, but a community. Now I give others a voice on my platform and I help others do the same.

Top songs

We Are The Daughters (בנות צלפחד)
אנו הבנות (בנות צלפחד)
Shalom Aleichem שָׁלוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם
שלום עליכם
I'll Go (ריבקה)
אני אלך (רבקה)