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Ari Goldwag

ארי גולדוואג

240 songs 32 albums

Ari Goldwag is best known for his mega hits "Am Echad," "Kah Riboin," and "Lo Nafsik Lirkod." He is also the composer of Benny Friedman's hits "Yesh Tikvah," "Ivri Anochi (I'm a Jew and I'm Proud)," and "Shalom Aleichem." He also composed the songs "Lech Al Zeh" and "This Is My Home" for Duvie Shapiro. As a child, he starred as a soloist on albums for the Miami Boys Choir (It's Min Hashomayim & Miami Experience 1-3). As an adult, he has brought meaningful lyrics and catchy tunes to the forefront of Jewish music.

Top songs

B'ezrat Hashem Nenatseach (feat. Zevi Kaufman)
B'ezrat Hashem Nenatseach (feat. Zevi Kaufman)
Ashira Lashem (feat. Dovid Pearlman)
אשירה להשם (עם דוד פרלמן)