

78 songs 35 albums

Zusha, led by singer Shlomo Gaisin and guitarist Zacharia G, is appropriately named after an iconoclastic 18th century Hasidic master, whose teachings of radical humility and irrepressible positivity resonate deeply with the duo. Reb Zusha’s unique path of self-reflection and refinement is best summed up in a well-known story: On his deathbed, Zusha confided in his gathered students and friends that ultimately after all was said and done, he was not concerned whether he had been as kind as Abraham or as wise as Moses, but rather he was most worried that he had not been enough like Zusha! With this lamplighting message of personal honesty and spiritual authenticity, Zusha seeks to sing the world awake. In their own words, their music is meant to inspire each and every person to: Be yourself, no one else can.

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