Yossi Green

יוסי גרין

185 songs 34 albums

Yossi Green BIO It was seemingly by chance, that Yossi Green began to write music while he was a student at the Manchester Talmudical Academy in England. The year was 1973 and it was a year and a part of a decade that would become known for some of the greatest and most melodic music ever written in the popular world. And the Jewish Music world was to be no different. The first public performance featuring Yossi's songs took place on the following year. This was at a series of live concert performances in New York City by the London School of Jewish Song, conducted by Yigal Calek on Chanuka. The London School of Jewish Song was the most well-known international touring group at the time along with their very creative conductor, Yigal Calek. Previous recordings of their music were flying off the shelves wherever Jewish Music was being sold and Yigal, who was living in London, just seemed to grow in stature and musical performance innovation with each passing year. And the year, 1974, was no exception as Yigal and his choir travelled to New York to wow audiences numbering over 10,000 with their new and updated musical presentation which would now feature music written by this up and coming young composer. Yossi's songs were finally recorded and ‘set to vinyl’ in the early part of the following year, in 1975. In what was to be a recording first as the two most prominent Boys Choirs at opposite ends of the Jewish world both released their first albums featuring these new and exciting compositions. Pirchei Yerushalayim of Israel, conducted by Yigal Calek and arranged by a very young Mona Rosenblum as well as the New York School of Jewish Song of New York, conducted by Heshy Lebovitz and arranged by Yisroel Lamm. These two albums were to go on and break every record in sales and popularity in their market up to that time. Over 35 years have passed since that time and so much has changed in the popular music scene globally. Jewish Music has changed as well and has developed somewhat along with the times, though at a slightly slower pace. In the meantime, Yossi has become well known across the Jewish world as an accomplished composer in every field of Jewish music: popular, classical, liturgical, spiritual and Chassidic music, as well as performance show music. His stirring and constantly refreshing melodies and his novel and brave way of interpreting heretofore, unknown lyrics from all kinds of new sources have blazed a new trail in Jewish Popular Music that had not been seen or heard previously. His extremely varied repertoire includes over 800 songs to date that have been recorded and performed by most of the major performers of Jewish music on more than 250 CD's. Some of these performers include • in the Popular arena; Mordechai Ben David, Avrohom Fried, Yakov Schwekey, Shlomo Simcha, Yeedle, Dedi, Ohad Moskowitz, Lipa Schmeltzer, Chaim Yisrael, Yehuda Green and Dudu Fisher • in the Cantorial arena; Cantor I.M. Helfgott, Benzion Miller, Israel Rand, Naftali Herstik, Netanel Herstik, Yakov Motzen and Tzudyk. • in the Chassidic arena; Abish Brodt, Mendy Werdyger, Azik Hoenig, Shira Choir, Zemiros Choir, Dov Hoffman, Michool Schnitzler, Menachem Moskowitz, Yoili Falkowitz, Dudi Kalish, Zanvil Weinberger, Tzali Gold, Shlomi Cohen, Shimmy Engel and Motty Steinmetz. • In the Israeli arena; Yehoram Gaon, Amir Benayoun and Itzik Dadya. • in the Children's Choir arena; Yiddish Nachas, London School of Jewish Song, Pirchei Yerushalayim, Toronto Pirchei, JEP, New York School of Jewish Song, Kinderlach and Zlil Vezemer • in the Male Group arena; Akapella, Kol Achai, Lev Tahor, Kol Chaverim and Ruach • from the Younger Generation; Pi Shnayim, Shloime Dachs, Sruli Williger, Mendy Wald, Dovid Stein, Michoel Pruzanski, Shloimi Gertner, Shloime Toisig, Sruli Werdyger, Shragee Gestetner AH, Tzali Gold and Shimon Craimer • And some of the Exciting Newcomers; Shulem Lemmer, Levy Yitzchok Falkowitz, Shmueli Ungar, Benny Friedman, Eli Marcus, Moishi Tischler, Avremi Roth, Beri Weber, Mordy Schapiro, Moti Samet and Yisroel Nachman. Yossi has worked closely with many of the finest musical arrangers on the orchestrations of his music, each in their own style. These have included • Moshe Laufer • Yisroel Lamm • Mona Rosenblum • Eli Jaffe • Rafi Kadishsohn • Leib Yakov Rigler • Shua Fried • Dr. Mordechai Sobol, A”H • Ofir Sobol • Rafi Biton • Doni Gross • Shai Bachar • Ilya Lishinsky • Naftuli Schnitzler • Yoili Dikman • David Taub • Eli Klein & Yitzy Berry • Benny Laufer • and Grammy nominated Daniel Freiberg. Yossi's compositions are constantly being performed at many of the major venues around the world. These include the • Metropolitan Opera House • Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center • Jazz at Lincoln Center • Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center • Carnegie Hall • The Theater at Madison Square Garden • Westbury Music fair, • The Paris Opera House, • The Budapest Opera House, • London's Wembley Hall, • The Zurich Tannhauser Hall, • The Jerusalem Theater, • Jerusalem's Binyanei Ha'uma • and the Mann Auditorium at Heichal Hatarbut in Tel Aviv. Many well-known organizations like HASC, OHEL, EZER MITZION, SCHI, OHR V’DAAS, RCCS AMUDIM and others across the philanthropic world have contracted his services for original thematic music to be performed at their special events. Following are some highlights in a very colorful career: • In 1995, at an outdoor concert for Jewish Education in Israel's Park Hayarkon attended by over 150,000 people and broadcast simultaneously by radio stations across the country, Yossi performed many of his classics sitting at the piano with Mordechai Ben David, Avrohom Fried and Dedi. This historic concert was performed in front of the largest audience of its kind. • In 1996, the Prague Symphony Orchestra and Chorus featuring Avrohom Fried and orchestrated and conducted by Eli Jaffe, recorded a double album entitled "Cities Salute Jerusalem" featuring Yossi's original compositions. This large ensemble of classical musicians and chorus later toured many great cities in the Jewish world performing this repertoire. • Later on in that same year, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Eli Jaffe performed this repertoire as well. • In 1997, Yossi was one of the subjects of a critically acclaimed documentary film recorded for European Public Broadcasting in France entitled "Sands of Time". This program was dedicated to the history and development of Jewish music. The program was aired numerous times across the USA and Europe on the PBS stations. • In 1998, Yossi was commissioned by members of the Israeli Knesset to compose a piece of music to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Holocaust. This composition aptly named "The Akeida" was then performed in Warsaw by Dudu Fisher and the Warsaw Symphony Orchestra. That year in Israel, many of the local symphony orchestras opened up their seasons with this composition. • In 2001, Yossi was commissioned to write a piece entitled "Kaddish" which was then performed in Budapest at the Jewish Festival by Dudu Fisher and the Budapest Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus. "Kaddish" was performed at the Budapest Opera House marking the first time in history that a concert featuring Jewish music had been performed at this much-revered venue. This composition then went on to become the opening number in the off Broadway show entitled "Something Old Something New" featuring Dudu Fisher. • In 2002, Yossi released his own first album featuring 24 of his greatest hits. This album was the first of a new series entitled "Shades of Green." It is called Shades of Green I - Timeless. • That same year Yossi was commissioned to write the music for an original Musical in Israel, entitled Ahavat Tornado V’Harmonia along with famed Israeli author and lyricist Oren Neeman. Some of the greatest artists of the Israeli Theater like Tuvia Tzafir, David Daor, Dudu Fisher, Rama Mesinger, Rinat Gabai and Eli Gorenshtein recorded an album featuring the songs of this show. • Later on that year, Yossi with a group of his friends performed at Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall in a critically acclaimed and sold out concert entitled "Stars of Green featuring Yossi Green & Friends – Part One." • In 2003, the show "Stars of Green featuring Yossi Green & Friends – Part 2" came back by popular demand to Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center and once again sold out a SRO show. • In 2004, "Stars of Green featuring Yossi Green & Friends – Part 3" came to Israel and performed to a sold out crowd in a show that was simultaneously broadcast on radio across Israel. • Later that year, Yossi began work on his first solo album entitled, "Yossi Green, The Eigth Note." • In 2005, Yossi began work on a new musical entitled, "Aitz Hachayim" or "The Tree Of Life." with original story and lyrics by Oren Neeman. • Later that year in Paris, France the musical Le Sel et Le Miel featuring some of Yossi's compositions, opened and was seen by over 120,000 people at 139 performances. • In 2008, Yossi released the CD The 8th Note with 14 original songs Produced and Directed by Yossi Tyberg. The 8th Note was critically acclaimed by all and was voted Best CD for 2008. The Creative Production Values and musicality of The 8th Note set a new standard for recording and sound on CD’s featuring Music performed by Jewish Artists. • In October of that same year, the musical Le Sel et Le Miel was translated to English, now entitled SALT and HONEY, and opened in Jerusalem on Mount Scopus. • In December of that year, British Airways, in an unprecedented move for Jewish Music, made available the 14 tracks of the CD "The 8th Note" as a World Music selection in their In-Flight Entertainment Programming on all their International Flights. British Airways kept the 8th Note as one of their selections for over SIX MONTHS. • In 2009, a production company hired Yossi to write the music for an off Broadway Show called Conviction. Conviction, produced by Ami Dayan, opened to critical acclaim in New York at the 59E59 Theater in 2010. • In 2010 Yossi began work on the second album in the Shades of Green series. This time the album was to feature the next 26 of his greatest hits along with a bonus track entitled Always On Call, a song dedicated to the selfless work of the members of the world's greatest Volunteer Ambulance Corps - HATZOLO. This album was released in 2011 and is entitled "Shades of Green II – HipsH." • In 2010 Yossi began work on a new project entitled “Yossi Green Vistory.” Vistory stands for Vintage Audio History and features the songs of the great Chassidic composer R’ Berish Horowitz, known as R’ Berish Vishever. The first single was released that year and is called “Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Boruch Hashem Yom Yom.” • In 2011 Yossi released the second and third single in the Vistory Series called “Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Ma Yedidis & Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Loy Sayvoyshi.” • In 2012 Yossi began and completed work on the third album in the Shades of Green series. This very popular CD featured the next group of 22 hit songs and is entitled “Shades of Green III – Hartzig featuring Shloime Daskal.” • In 2012 Yossi released the fourth single in the Vistory Series called “Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Shulem Aleichem.” • In 2012 Yossi’s composition Kaddish was performed at an event at Yad Vashem commemorating the 70th anniversary of the annihilation of Polish Jewry. • In 2013 Yossi released the fifth and sixth single in the Vistory Series called “Shabbos with Zeidy Berish – Azamer Bishvochin & Asader Lisudoso” • In 2014 Yossi began and completed work on the fourth album in the Shades of Green series. This CD features the next group of his 20 Greatest Hit Songs and is entitled “Shades of Green IV – Varemkeit featuring Shragee Gestetner.” • In 2014 Yossi began and completed work on a new CD project called Yiddish Nachas. Yiddish Nachas features a Boys Choir represented by a select group of members from the Kiryas Joel community in Monroe, NY. The first album is called Yiddish Nachas - Matonoh Toivoh. The CD was released to great acclaim taking the market by storm. One of the hit songs on the CD named Hiskabtzi became the hit of the year and was featured by the Agudas Yisrael Party in the Israeli Parliamentary elections of that year. • In 2015 Yossi began work on the second Yiddish Nachas CD which is called Yiddish Nachas – Sivevon. The CD was released toward the end of the year and once again broke all kinds of previously held sales records for a project of this sort. • In 2016 a lengthy project entitled Nusach Green was begun with the objective of releasing a CD containing the entire Nusach of Kabbolas Shabbos set to song. Beginning with an introduction to Lechu Neraneno and ending the service with Adoin Oilom, the Project contains 18 Green songs, old as well as new, which take the listener through the entire Friday night Service in song. The Project is being Produced and Sung by renowned singer and Baal Tefila, Avremi Roth and includes a backup choir arranged and conducted by Srulik Herstik. • In 2016 Yossi composed the songs to a play entitled ZUSMAN. After the play was performed live a number of times at the NJPAC it is being released on DVD in the 2018. • In 2017 Yiddish Nachas III began production. • In 2017 Nusach Green had its grand opening in Jersualem at the Waldorf Hotel on what was billed as Shabbat Nusach Green. The event was well attended by an international audience who flew in to Israel for the Shabbat along with Rabbi Yisroel Meir Lau – The Chief Rabbi of Israel who presided over the weekend. • In 2017 Yossi began and completed work on the fifth album in the Shades of Green series. This CD features the next group of his 22 Greatest Hit Songs and is entitled “Shades of Green V – Leil Shishi featuring Shlomo Simcha.” • In 2017 Yossi completed an autobiographical work in Hebrew entitled Manginat Chayei – Melodies of my Life. Setting Chapter to Song, the book goes through the inspiration behind and the development of over 50 of his popular songs. The book was a sellout wherever Jewish Books are sold all over the Jewish World. • In 2018 Yossi Began production of his next solo album entitled The 10th Note. • In 2018 the Musical Le Sel et le Miel after being translated to Hebrew with the new title Hadvash V’Haoketz is opening up in the Yaffa Theater in Israel. • In 2018 the CD entitles Shabbos with R’ Berish Vishever is finally scheduled for release. • In 2018 Yiddish Nachas Volume 4 begins production. • In 2020 the autobiographical work Manginat Chayei is in the process of being translated to the Yiddish language after popular demand . • In 2021 the second part of the project entitled Nusach Green was begun with the objective of releasing a CD containing the entire Nusach of Shacharis Shabbos set to song. The Project is being Produced and Sung by renowned singer and Baal Tefila, Avremi Roth and includes a backup choir arranged and conducted by Srulik Herstik. • In 2021 a new album and project featuring 12 new songs featured as duets of Yossi with many of the well known music performers. The project titled “Take Two” is being produced by Yossi Tyberg. • In 2021 Yossi was the subject of a full length 2-part, Video Biography produced by Mishpacha Magazine and titled Soundtrack of our Lives • In 2022 production has begun on the 5th album of the Yiddish Nachas Project. • In 2022 Production has begun on the next iteration in the Shades of Green Series. This album’s working title is Shades of Green – Davkeh! • In 2022 Yossi finally completed and released the project and album entitled Zemiros Shabbos Kodesh with Reb Berish Vishever. A project begun in 2008 completed under the Yossi Green Vistory Label. Yossi with his Publishing Company, OhYeahMusic, is currently at work on the much-anticipated release of his first set of music books entitled G-Notes The Music of Yossi Green Volumes 1&2 G-NOTES is the first music book featuring Yossi's popular Chasidic song hits with piano arrangements for the intermediate musician. The piano accompaniments in the book are being arranged by the world-renowned pianist Yaron Girshovsky. The book will include 36 historic songs that made Jewish Music history. In addition, the material will be distributed with a recorded performance of the written notation by none other than the master himself, Yaron Girshovsky. Yaron is the world famous Musical Director of the well-known group, The Manhattan Transfer. Yossi resides with his family in an oceanfront community called Seagate, New York.

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קנא עם חזן הלפגוט