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Judith Gerzi

יהודית גרזי

15 songs 6 albums

There are many ways to describe Rebbetzen JUDITH GERZI, but unique, talented and charismatic just scratch the surface! With her velvety soulful voice, one that has been compared to some of the great women performers in history (her newest name, the "jewish Adele"), her modest friendly personality wins the hearts of her audience. JUDITH GERZI is a very real performer. She writes, sings and speaks from the heart and captivates her audience from beginning, to end. Judith Gerzi made Aliya from London, England in 2004 with her husband Rabbi Yehoshua Gerzi and their three year old daughter. Growing up religious, and extremely shy, she never imagined she would become a soul singer with her self - taught style, somewhat unexpected for a Rebbetzin. JUDITH GERZI has released an album, "Awakening" as well as singles including "New Day, Back to YOU, Burn Bright and more. She also recently collaborated with the huge organisation Thankyouhashem on the song "Eliyahu" much to the excitement of her already sizeable army of fans. Judith has so many more songs coming out soon iyh. Judith's natural soulful style has also taken an interesting freshness with some new pop, jazz and rock numbers to attract the younger fans. Judith tours at home and abroad with her shows tailoring her own material and other Jewish numbers (seminaries, groups coming to Israel, private functions or packed concerts). She takes you throgh every emotion. She starts you off with a buzz, leads you into glimpses of her own and others life experiences and brings tears to the crowds with her warm, velvety voice and powerful lyrics. Her finale features upbeat tracks that bring the audience together to experience real connection to one another. Now a mother of six, and new mother in law, Judith gains strength and support from her family and fans. She is also grateful for direction from the Biale Rebbe to embrace this gift from Hashem and move crowds through her incredible voice and lyrics. Judith is also a Rebbetzin of a kehilla based in ramat beit shemesh as well as owning her own wig Salon and beauty studio. She also teaches one on one as well as group Vocal classes and is the music part of RBS Dance and Music academy. She is also a shadchanit an NLP therapist, somatic therapy and energy healer. .