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Eitan Freilich

איתן פרייליך

28 songs 5 albums

Eitan Freilich is a United Kingdom based singer songwriter. Born into a family of singers and chazanim, Eitan Freilich shows no signs of slowing down as his passion, personalisation and boundless energy reverberates at every event. Eitan has been singing and performing from the age of 13. After studying in Yeshiva in Israel, Eitan trained with distinguished professionals. Three studio albums, multiple singles, and countless of performances later, Eitan Freilich continues to collaborate with esteemed composers and musicians like Elie Schwab and Yitzy Waldner. ​ Releasing his first album 'Am Yisrael Chai' in 2016, his second 'Yavo Shalom' in 2019 and his third 'Wedding Classics From Home' in 2020, Freilich's music and videos receive rave reviews and high praise from critics and music lovers alike. Being interviewed and featured in many high-profile newspapers and magazines across the UK and America, as-well as appearing on various radio shows world wide for interviews, discussions and of course live performances too.

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