26 songs 25 albums
I was born and raised in Flatbush and learned in Monsey, Miami, and Yerushalayim. I am currently privileged to live in the Holiest of Lands, Eretz Yisroel, where I spend my day learning Torah in Rabbi Berkowitz's Jerusalem Kollel, being an active therapist in Ohr Sameach, and teaching. I spend my free time making music, composing songs, recording, and making podcasts. My goal is to bring Jews closer to Hashem in their own individual way through Torah, real music, and joy. I had the Zchus to spend 4 summers in Camp Simcha and 5 in Camp Ma Rabu traveling the West Coast. These experiences helped mold my personality, and I am forever grateful to them both. Nothing invigorates me more than leading a Kumzitz of guys who connect with the music, the message, and themselves. It brings people together in a way that only music can. In 2020, Eitan Katz produced the first song I ever presented to the public, Hisoreri. This was after sitting on over 400 compositions that nobody but me and my roommates got to hear. I followed that with Teshuasam, Purim time, not long after. Boruch Hashem, I have been able to produce a few of my songs nicely and present them to the public with the hope of sharing many more. I compose and record regularly, and hope to play as many of these Niggunim as possible to every single Jew. In the meantime, I lead a Kumzitz wherever I am asked and work on growing and helping others get closer to Hashem. You can see a little more about me at shloimebalsam.com