Yossi Bayles

יוסי ביילס

10 songs 10 albums

Yossi Bayles born in Bnei Brak Israel, learned at Tashbar Chazon Ish, then went to the Brisker Yeshivah Horomoh of London England by Rav Elyokim Shlesinger. At his mid 20's he started working as a composer of generics music for ARTE an European Documentary TV based in Strasbourg France, then at his 30's he moved to Florida USA where he produced events and started his YBO Orchestra as Band Leader and main Singer, after 20 years of Stage, Yossi decided to start working on his own Compositions Releases. The variety of cultures where Yossi lived this half century made his compositions and singing style Unique, and as Yossi says, I just started !

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