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Tamid Ohev Oti - Bracha Jaffe | תמיד אוהב אותי - ברכה יפה | For Women and Girls Only Tamid Ohev Oti - Bracha Jaffe | תמיד אוהב אותי - ברכה יפה | For Women and Girls Only

Lately, I’ve been reflecting on a new perspective about our relationship with Hashem. Instead of seeing Him as distant, waiting for us to beg or plead, I’ve come to understand how close He truly is—providing everything we need, even when we can’t fully perceive it. The nursery rhyme we all learned as children says it so simply: “Hashem is here, Hashem is there, Hashem is truly everywhere.” If Hashem is truly everywhere, then we are actually within Him, much like a fetus in a mother’s womb. What’s fascinating about a fetus is that it lacks the sense of sight. It receives everything it needs from the placenta and its mother, yet it can’t truly see what’s happening because it’s enveloped within the womb. In much the same way, we may not fully perceive Hashem’s presence, but He is surrounding us, providing for us, and guiding us every step of the way. Hashem’s love for us is unconditional, and everything He gives us is ultimately for our good, even if it’s hard to recognize in the moment. This perspective reminds us that goodness is always unfolding, leading to even more good, endlessly. Joining forces with Tantzers to bring this video to life was a natural fit. An organization dedicated to bringing joy, love, and meaningful experiences to sick children and their families during their hardest times, Tantzers goes beyond their incredible events to offer a family center—a space where support and connection flourish, embodying the message of Hashem’s constant care and love, even in the darkest moments. Credits: Composed & Written by: ElaytZur & Rabbi Shalom Arush Originally performed by: ElaytZur Artist: Bracha Jaffe Produced by: Apex Creatives in collaboration with SolBlum Music Produced by: Shai Bachar @ Sonic Duo Studios Mixed by: Assaf Spector & Ben Peled Mastered by: Sonic Duo Studios Video Directed, Shot & Edited by: Atara Wolf Choreography: Michal Ben Liar Wardrobe & Styling: Fame on Central - Bracha’s Hair: Devori Ulman Bracha’s Makeup: Sara Idler Casts’ Hair: Chayala Landau Casts’ Makeup: Rikki Vizel & Libby Katz Casting: Davidowitz Productions Special Thank You: Tantzers - Sruly Blumenfeld Esther Wein Chani Singer

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